Over time, I've come to know this one truth. If you see it, work towards it, and believe in it, then you can have it. And it may not turn out exactly as planned, but it'll happen one way or another. You can have that successful career, cozy home and beautiful family. Just keep moving forward.
What you surround yourself with every day can help to inspire you and keep you motivated even on the hardest of days. Vision boards are important for keeping your spirits high and reminding you why you're working so hard in the first place. When you see why you're busting your ass every day, it's easier to keep yourself on track.
There are so many different ways to use a vision board. I have a vision board that hangs above my desk, and it has inspirational quotes and pictures to help remind me of the person I want to be and the life I want to lead. Then, I also have a whole journal that I fill with my specific dreams, like where I want to travel, etc. Choose whatever works for you and go with it. Now here are the steps for creating a kick ass vision board for yourself:
1. Figure out what's important to you: Is there anywhere you want to travel? What do you want your bedroom and your wardrobe to look like? What are your hopes for your career and financial situation? No matter if the dream is big or small, write out a list and you can prioritize what's most important to you if you want to. Just don't hold back!
2. Outline: If you're creating a vision journal, it's good to use sticky notes of what you want to dedicate onto each specific page. You can organize your ideas into categories, like career, relationships, home, etc. And if you're looking just to make a vision board on just a blank poster, then you can do the same thing with the sticky notes by setting aside specific areas on your page for the things you want to see.
3. Browse for inspiration: Here's where you can get creative, if you want pictures, words or drawings, it's totally up to you. Personally, I browse on my Pinterest for things that I've saved in the past that usually fit perfectly into the themes that I'm going for. Make your creative space into anything that you want, they're your dreams after all.
4. Take it to paper: Now it's time to take all of your ideas and put them onto whatever you've chosen for yourself, whether its a journal, canvas, etc. Glue on those pictures of people in love, outfits you'd kill to wear, and people succeeding at their jobs. Use those key words that you want to embody, like "powerful", "strong", "successful". Create something to be proud of!
5. Find just the right spot: I encourage everyone to put their vision boards in a place that you see frequently. Put it where you first look in the morning, overtop the desk that you spend hours working at or right by the door. And if you're making a journal then put it in plain sight, to remind yourself that it's there.
6. Utilize it: Never let yourself forget about who you are what you want. Look at your vision board/journal whenever you're feeling down or discouraged. Look at your vision board/journal on the happiest day ever. Just keep reminding yourself of the path that you're on, and keep moving forward on it.
Send me a message showing me your vision boards/journals or whatever this post has inspired you to do, I'd love to see them!
Be kind to yourselves,
xox Josée