Throughout the past couple of years, my main goals in life have changed drastically. I've learned how important it is to strive for the simpler things in life instead of things like money, adoration and perfection. My main goal in life has become to wake up each day and to be excited to live out my life. I want to be comfortable in my own skin, with my own circumstances and bask in the thrill of not knowing what to expect. Here are some things that help me get there when I get lost along the way:
1. Freshen up: Paint your nails, wear that perfume/cologne you've been saving for special occasions, and put on your favourite sweater. In my experience, glowing up your look is always a great pick me up.
2. De-clutter: Go through your closet, your fridge and cabinets, your junk drawer and throw out anything that doesn't serve you anymore. You are a new you each day that you decide to be, and it's time to shed some skin.
3. Make sure your environment is adjusted to your liking: For me, I always need to have a clean space that has tons of pictures, throw blankets and the kitchen has to be stocked with snacks and tea for me to feel at home. Having a safe and cozy place to land is so important.
4. Exercise: Sometimes when I'm feeling off balance I realize that I haven't been to the gym in a while. Then I make sure to schedule a workout session in as soon as I can. There's nothing like the power that exercise can bring to your life. Personally, exercise helps me take pride in my body!
5. Find your relaxing mojo: I've found three main things in my life that help me relax no matter what; yoga, tea, and a good book. It's my holy trinity. What will yours be?
6. Make time for your passions: I try to look over my schedule at the beginning of the week and see when I have free time to write. Then, I make a date with myself by heading to a coffee shop, ordering myself a drink, and immersing myself in what I love to do for an hour or so. If you haven't found something you really love to do yet, then what better time than the present to start figuring it out?
7. Inspire yourself: Take a piece of paper and write down your dreams, hopes and goals for the future. Make sure to remind yourself of what greatness life can still offer you. Stick that piece of paper somewhere on a wall in your bedroom and add to it whenever you like.
8. Spend time in silence: Whenever I start feeling insecure about myself or my life, I try to stay as drowned out in the noise as I possibly can. I constantly have music or the tv on to keep me from facing the silent acceptance of who I am and what I'm dealing with. Make sure to spend time in the quiet during these periods of your life. Try going for a walk in silence, cook in silence, etc. Those moments where you're just spending time with yourself, in your truth, will be worth it. I promise.
9. Show gratitude: Start writing at least 3-5 things that you're grateful for at the end of each day. Compliment people more, whether in your head or out loud. And if you're prone to complaining, start thinking of at least one thing you are thankful for in any given situation. The more you get into the habit of these things, the more natural it will be to feel the value in other people, life and yourself.
10. Last but not least, have more fun!!!! When is the last time you planned a trip? Went out for brunch with your friends? Went to a concert? Life is too short, so make sure you spend your time wisely. Don't let having fun just become a memory.
So these are my ten steps to follow, I hope that they help inspire you to love the hell out of that life of yours!