It's official, technology has taken over the world. Most people won't be caught waiting for the bus without checking their iPhones, going to bed without checking their Instagram, and you can even catch the older generation constantly refreshing their email. Even as I write this now at a coffee shop, I can look over and see almost everyone with their phones and laptops by their side. Social media is a necessity to the lives of many millennials.
It does have its up sides, like how you'll always be able to stay connected to your long distance friends/family members. But nothing is perfect. There are just as many downsides to social media as there are good. There's more access to bullying and negativity, and you can get more easily caught up in comparing yourself to other people's lives at the refreshment of an instagram page.
For years I stayed away from social media, it intimidated me to my core. But over the last year I've dived into most aspects of it. I'm going to share with you now how I began building a better and healthier relationship with social media:
1. Figure out what's right for you: try not to get caught up in what everyone else is doing. If you want to stay on Facebook and not join the wide world of Instagram, then stick with that. You know yourself best and if a certain aspect of social media doesn't really vibe with you then just let it go.
2. Find out what social media can bring to your life: I get that for some people social media doesn't have much to offer them. But many people are looking to self start their own business, or express themselves through music or art. If you're like me, then it's a useful tool to practice being openly honest and proud about both you and your life. Social media can bring you opportunities and it's very easily accessible.
3. Be honest about your public persona: Many people spend so much time on their themes and getting the 50th selfie right. There's nothing wrong with wanting your public appearance to be good, but make sure to remind yourself that you're good enough just as you are. I am less concerned with my Instagram feed, as much as I am celebrating my inner and outer beauty, my friends and my accomplishments. Even if I don't post for a while, I know that when I do I'm coming by it honestly.
4. Create boundaries: Make sure to limit the amount of time that you spend checking social media to focus on the reality that is in front of you. It can prevent you from becoming overly obsessed with making sure that your online appearance is perfect, while your real life isn't being properly maintained. Try tricks like putting your phone away when you're with your friends, and reading a book before bed instead of browsing through your phone.
5. Don't compare: It's perfectly healthy to watch the people that inspire you, however make sure it's only to a certain degree. You are amazing all on your own and you can inspire yourself too. If you're paying too much attention to others and comparing your life to theirs, it can cause a deep sense of lack within you. Try to focus on yourself first and foremost.
So these are the main things that help keep me grounded when it comes to using social media, hopefully they can help you too!
xoxo Josée